Lectures Dr Dritan Hasa and Prof. Władek Minor CNBCh 5.07.2018

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

On the nearest Thursday (5/07/) will have two excellent lectures at the Centre for Biological and Chemical Research (CNBCh – Aula B) delivered by:

  1. Dr Dritan Hasa (Leicester, UK)
    Expanding the horizon of mechanochemical synthesis of functional (pharmaceutical) solids
  2. Prof. Władek Minor (Charlotesville, USA and Department of Chemistry University of Warsaw)
    Reproducibility in Biomedical Research

The lectures will start at 10.00 am and will be ca. 40 min. long (+discussion) each.
I take an immense pleasure in inviting you all to these lectures.

Prof. Krzysztof Woźniak

Data publikacji: 03 lipca 2018

Data ostatniej modyfikacji: 06 lipca 2018